
Adj. Prof. Vladimir Ivanovic, Ph.D
Clinical psychologist
Psychological Counselor

My Approach 

My interests shaped the spaces I have inhabited and continue to shape my practice. With an education in psychology, historical anthropology, and migration studies, a lived experience in Germany, Austria, and Serbia, and a knowledge of English, German, and BCS (Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian), I am grateful to have gotten a remarkable perspective on understanding the human being and the psychological challenges individuals may face through the process of change. With a focus on migration and its impact on individuals, I provide specialized support from an interdisciplinary standpoint.

Recognizing and embracing the complexities of different cultures and backgrounds, I provide psychodynamic therapy and transcultural psychotherapy, sometimes also called cross-cultural psychotherapy or intercultural psychotherapy. 

Therapy is  not only refer to symptom reduction, but also to gaining insight in the motivations and fears underlying the symptoms and the difficulties in interpersonal relationships.

This perspective enables us to understand the richness of human behavior and experiences. This approach also empowers me to tailor my services effectively, meeting the diverse needs of my clients with empathy and insight.



My Understanding of Psychotherapy 

Unveiling the Self: Exploring Idola Specus through Psychotherapy 

Francis Bacon, the famous English philosopher, pointed out that we all carry within us, in our intrapsychic world, certain idols, prejudices, which arose in different ways and influences. Knowing our idols means knowing ourself and setting out on a journey. Psychotherapy is not only the reduction of symptoms, pain and pressure, it is, first and foremost, the knowledge of the Self.

Throughout my career, I have engaged in extensive study and gained practical experience, allowing me to develop expertise in various therapeutic approaches, including psychodynamic therapy and intercultural therapy. This eclectic approach enables me to provide personalized services that cater to your unique needs and preferences.

Types of Challenges I Work With

Whether you're grappling with the complexities of inhabiting two or more cultures, anxiety, depression, relationship issues, self-esteem, or any other psychological concern, my primary goal is to guide you towards clarity, resilience, and a path to greater well-being and getting to know yourself better. Together, in our therapeutic relationship, we will explore your strengths, uncover underlying patterns, and work collaboratively towards achieving positive change.

I will listen to you and help you to alleviate your symptoms. I will do so by trying to understand some of their origins and by exploring how they relate to your relationships with others. During the course of the treatment, I will also support you in facing the situations you are afraid of and you usually avoid.

During the treatment I will ask you to try to say as openly and freely as possible what you are thinking and feeling. I will help you in exploring your thoughts and feelings.

In my work and in life, I keep an open attitude. While I am able to think big, I can also adapt and connect through a fast understanding of what you are experiencing in your challenges of daily living. 

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Trauma
  • OCD
  • Self-esteem issues 
  • Relationship challenges 
  • Identity
  • Trans-cultural Issues
  • Migration
  • Personal Growth
  • Life transitions
  • Meaning in Life
  • Body image
  • Burnout

New Clients

I see clients online and in-person in Berlin, Kudamm. 

As a typical rhythm, I usually suggest weekly sessions when working with new clients. 

Qualification and experience


Master Studies of Psychology at the International Psychoanalytic University, Berlin

PhD studies in Migration, History and Historical Anthropology 


Adj. Professor for Psychotherapy and Counseling ; Clinical Psychology and Psychoanalysis at Touro University Berlin

Internship at the Clinic for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy Charité Mitte Berlin; Center for Intercultural Psychiatry and Psychotherapy (ZIPP)

Research fellow at Humboldt University Berlin

Research fellow at University Innsbruck, Innsbruck

Research fellow at Institute for Contemporary History, Belgrade





Serbian, Croatian, Bosnian



Ivanovic  Vladimir & Dimitrijevic Aleksandar: Idola Specus? Contemporary Psychoanalysis in the Light of the References of the Psychoanalytical Journals (in Print). 

Ivanovic Vladimir & Dimitrijevic Aleksandar.: Tribal mentality as a component of silencing processes in psychoanalytic journals. In: Buchholz B.Michael & Dimitrjevic Aleksandar (eds): Hearing Scilencing Volume II: Performing silencing. Mechanisms of oppression in individuals, families, and communities (In Print).

Ivanovic V. ,Fotiadis R., Vucetic R. (eds.): Brotherhood and Unity at the Kitchen Table: Food in Socialist Yugoslavia, Srednja Europa, Zagreb, 2019.

Integration on a Plate: Restaurants and Representations of Yugoslav Cuisine in West Germany, in: Ivanovic V. Fotiadis R. Vucetic R. (eds.): Brotherhood and Unity at the Kitchen Table: Food in Socialist Yugoslavia, Srednja Europa, Zagreb, 2019.. 137-159.

Die jugoslawischen Fabriken guten Geschmacks, Südosteuropäische Hefte, Jg.3, N.1, Berlin 2014.

Brain Drain vs. Human Work Drain, Beitrag zur Geschichte der bosnischen Flüchtlinge in Österreich in: Wissenschaftliches Jahrbuch der Tiroler Landesmuseen 2018, Studien Verlag Innsbruck, Innsbruck 2018, 147-161.

Der Traum von der Melange: Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Rückkehr der jugoslawischen ArbeitsmigrantInnen in: Rita Garstenauer und Anne Unterwurzacher (Hsg.) Aufbrechen, Arbeiten, Ankommen Mobilität und Migration im ländlichen Raum seit 1945, JGLR 11/2014, Studien Verlag, St. Pölten 2015, 146-164.

Serbien und Montenegro nach 1989, in, Himstedt-Vaid, Petra; Hinrichs, Uwe; Kahl, Thede, Handbuch Balkan, Harrasowitz Verlag, Wiesbaden 2014, 345-363.

Nostalgija za prugom, Das Freizeitverhalten jugoslawischer Gastarbeiter in der BRD und Österreich, in: Hannes Grandits, Holm Sundhaussen (Hg.), Jugoslawien in den 1960er Jahren. Auf dem weg zu einem (a)normalen Staat?, Harrasowitz Verlag, Wiesbaden, 2013.135-157.

Geburtstag you write normally: Yugoslav guest workers in Austria and FR Germany (Geburtstag pišeš normalno: Jugoslovenski gastarbajteri u Austriji) Institut for Contemporary History, Belgrade 2012.

Der späte Sieg der Gartenzwerge: Ökonomie- und Kulturtransfer durch die Gastarbeiter? Jugo-Serbische Fallbeispiele, in U.Brunnbauer, K. Novinscak, C.Voß (Hg.): Gesselschaften in Bewegung. Emigration aus und Immigration nach Südosteuropa in Vergagenheit und Gegenwart, München-Berlin, 2011. 125-149.

Dr. phil. Vladimir Ivanovic 


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